Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fireproof Movie

I just found out there's a new movie out by the people who made "Facing the Giants". Or rather, will be out on September 26.

Here's the official website.

Personally, I can't wait to see it. I loved "Facing the Giants" so I'm excited that there's going to be a decent movie I won't mind spending money to go to the theater to see.


The church celebrated 6 years on the 19th. Amazingly, we were able to celebrate our anniversary with a noteburning. We paid off our building loan two years early. Below are the trustees with our pastor (in the center holding the burning note).

After the service we had a dinner in the fellowship hall. Hello... we're Baptists. It's what we do! When everyone had their fill, we had a singing in the sanctuary. We have many talented people in the membership, and had several visitors sing with us. I took pictures but haven't downloaded them yet. Once I do I'll post them here.

Thanks for reading and God bless.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

September Calendar

6 Super Saturday

7 Single Adult Sunday

7-14 Week of Prayer for State Missions

8 Deacon's Meeting 7 p.m.

9 Council Meeting 7 p.m.

10 God's Girls Connections Bible Study ends; Statewide Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.

11 Community Breakfast 8 a.m.

12-13 WOM Retreat @ Jonathan Creek

17 Ministry Meeting 7 p.m.

20 God's Girls iLife 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

23 WOM Meeting 10 a.m.

August Calendar

9Free Fish Fry5 p.m.

10Lord's SupperEvening Service

13"Pounding" for Bro. Matt & Jennifer Dusenbury6:30 p.m.

14Community Breakfast at Aurora BarBQ8 a.m.

16Ladies' Day at Aurora Christian Church

17Homecoming and 6th Anniversary Singing Begins at 9:30
No evening service

18-22Church Music Emphasis Week

20Summer Youth Birthday Bash (Celebrating July-Sept birthdays)7 p.m.

21Purchase Area Baptist Association meeting at Poplar Springs BC6:30 p.m.

23God's Girls iLife Meet atnoon

24Missionaries from Hiciwan, AZ presenting duringevening services

26WOM6:30 p.m.